Archive Submission Form


Fill in this form with all the details about the song you're adding to the archive. Different form fields populate as you make selections. Fill in all required fields. Once you submit this form, it will automagically be turned into a post in the music archives/library. You can edit the post by logging in, going to the archive, finding your post, and editing the form fields.

You can immediately fill in the form for another song after submission.

You can select multiple instruments, include a comma between each instrument. Banjo, Dulcimer, Fiddle, Guitar, Mandolin, Voice,

You can select multiple instruments, include a comma between each instrument. Banjo, Dulcimer, Fiddle, Guitar, Mandolin, Voice,

You can select multiple instruments, include a comma between each instrument. Banjo, Dulcimer, Fiddle, Guitar, Mandolin, Voice,

You can select multiple instruments, include a comma between each instrument. Banjo, Dulcimer, Fiddle, Guitar, Mandolin, Voice,

You can select multiple instruments, include a comma between each instrument. Banjo, Dulcimer, Fiddle, Guitar, Mandolin, Voice,

If there are more than five musicians, please provide a name for the group. This can be a band name or if it's an informal group of musicians, you can say something like "CCMMS Fiddle Ensemble"

You can select multiple instruments, include a comma between each instrument. Banjo, Dulcimer, Fiddle, Guitar, Mandolin, Voice,

Share the link to the video here.

Share the link to Soundcloud.

When you copy the link from Soundcloud it will look like this:

You need to delete everything after the ? to look like this:

Share the link to the written version of the music.

Copy and paste the written music for this song here. You can format it too!

What is the origin of this song? Please capitalize your response appropriately.
✅ Letcher County ✅ Berea - Kentucky
❌ letcher co

Standard Tuning
Alternate Tuning

Copy and paste all that apply! If you use more than one tag, you MUST include the comma between tags. You are welcome to add additional descriptions as well.
Murder Ballad,
Celebratory Song,
Work Song,
Coal Song,
Songs About Rounders,
Fiddle Tune,
Banjo Tune,
Dance Tune,
Moonshine Song,
Animal Song,
Homesick Song,
Railroad Song,